The template structure

Preamble: How to write a HTML document

This is actually pretty simple: HTML is written in just a plain text document. Even Microsoft Notepad can write one just fine, although you might wish to use a code editor like Sublime Text, Gedit, or Textmate instead.

A HTML file always uses the extension .html to indicate its filetype.


The first thing on a HTML page is the doctype, which as you might guess, tells the browser what type of document it's looking at, and how to read it.

Thankfully, HTML5's doctype is extremely simple - it's just html.

Open a new file in your editor and write this line first:

<!DOCTYPE html>

You're now officially editing a html document!

Elements and Tags

These are the basic building blocks of HTML.

Elements are what makes up a HTML document. Because you can have zero, one or more elements inside another, this is what makes HTML heirarchical. An element can include three things: a tag, attributes, and content.

A Tag is the thing that indicates an element's purpose. For example, the <p> tag indicates a paragraph of text is in that element, and the <li> represents a 'list item'. You'll notice they're always surrounded by angle backets. Opening and Closing tags mark the beginning and end of an element and wrap its content, like so:

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

You can see the closing tag includes a / before its name; otherwise it would be another opening tag!

Always double-check that you've closed all your elements; otherwise, a browser can and will get mixed up trying to understand your HTML document.

There are some specific elements that are exceptions to this rule. When elements cannot contain anything else, then they don't need to be closed. For example, the following elements are referred to as 'self-closing':


There aren't so many of such elements, and you should easily pick up which are which by writing some more code :)

Lastly, nesting elements isn't so hard, and is fundamental to how HTML works. It looks just like this:

<p>This is a sentence, with a <span>span</span> element inside it.</p>

or this:

<div id="page-title">
    <h1>The h1 tags indicates the primary header of the document</h1>

You'll notice that HTML doesn't actually care about the whitespace or newlines between tags. It would end up looking the same if the above had been fit onto one line.

In the above example, you can see our first case of an attribute. It starts with a lowercase name, and then is almost always followed by an = and a 'value' that's surrounded in double quotes, "like this". An element can have many attributes, in which case you separate them by spaces, as you'll see soon. Attributes give information about an element in particular.

In this case, the <div> tag (which is used to divide groups of elements up) has an id attribute assigned to page-title. That's telling us that this section of the document is designed to hold the page's main title. You will learn more about specific attributes later!

Html and Head Elements

Coming back to our file (hope you're coding along!), after the doctype we begin our document with a root html element, just like so:


It encompasses every other element in our HTML document, nothing should go outside it! Next, the document is broken up into two important parts: The head and body.

The head contains the title of the page & information about the page (meta information). Most meta information isn't visible to the user, but it has many purposes. For example, meta elements can tell search engines information about your page, such as who created it and a description of your page's content. Here's an example head element:

    <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
    <meta name="description" content="Free Web tutorials">
    <title>My first Portfolio</title>

You can see meta tags are one of the self-closing elements! First off, there is a charset meta tag. This is the most important meta tag. Without it your website might not display properly. It is best practice to include it as the first element inside the head element. Basically, it specifies to the browser the character encoding for the HTML document. That means your browser will be able to read and correctly display all the special characters such as €, $, è and so on. uft-8 is usually the best general encoding to use.

Here we've also written another type of a meta tag, the description. We define what kind of meta tag it is with the name attribute and put our description in the value of the content attribute.

Inside our head element, we have lastly written a title of our website. Chuck the above code in your file (inside your html element), and change the content of the <title>. Then you can check your document by opening your file in a browser and looking at what is written in your browser toolbar. That also provides a title for the page when it is added to favorites.

Head tags can also include external files or resources, such as CSS or JavaScript files. We will see later how to do this.

The Body

Finally, we are at the place where our content goes. The body contains the actual content of the page. Everything that is contained in the body is visible to the user.

Just after the closing head tag but still inside the html element, let's add the body tags.


Everything that is written inside this tag will be displayed to the user. Try to write some plain text between the body tags and check the file in your browser.

There are different HTML elements that we can use to indicate different types of content in our document, like the

tags which we have already met. Let's try writing a title, followed by a paragraph.

    <h1>I'm the title.</h1>
    <p>And I'm a paragraph!</p>

Heading elements are straightforward to understand. They start from h1 with the biggest font and importance, going to h6 with the smallest font.

Are you wondering why we wrote the h1 and p tags indented inside the body tags?

That will not change at all how the browser reads or interpretates the document, but it is a good practice among developers to write code like that in order to have a more clear document and still be able to work with it even after a long time or when there is a lot of lines of code. It also shows the heircharcical nature of HTML pretty well.

So far, our entire document might look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
        <meta name="description" content="Free Web tutorials">
        <title>My first Portfolio</title>
        <h1>I'm the title.</h1>
        <p>And I'm a paragraph!</p>
        <h3>This is a sub-heading...</h3>
        <p>Well now we're just blathering on.</p>

Hopefully the document in your file looks similar, but not exactly the same. You might have changed some of the text... does it all work in your browser?

There are two questions you might be asking, which we intend to answer:

  1. Right now I can basically write paragraphs and headers. What are some other HTML elements and how can I use them? How would I get a picture?

  2. Ok, so I have some content, but this looks utterly bland. How do I spice it up a little?

Read on to find out!

lastly, you might also wonder why you're writing all these elements by hand, when you could make up the same stuff in a Word document.

Well, think about some of the cooler websites around that you've seen on the web, and their complex layouts. Do you think you could replicate them using Word? How long might it take? That's the power of manual control that HTML (and CSS, and Javascript) gives to the web and web developers. You can learn it too!